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Friday, April 30, 2010

Who are Worse of the Two?

(Read the inside stories of the corporate sector in the form of short management case studies at: or or

Both Kill in Millions

In every country and across the world everyone is aware of one type of people easily. These people create terror among the ordinary and innocent citizens of the countries and the world. They kill them by many means that are well known by now and they keep inventing new tricks by the day. Why they do so, it is still bit confusing. I wonder and doubt if they have to settle scores with the ordinary and innocent people- perhaps it may not be their objective. Perhaps their grouse may be against the people in power who they perceive as wrong doers or whatsoever. It will be wiser to deal with them directly and perhaps a few problems might start getting solved which they bother about.

In every country and across the world, there are second types of people as well who are not easily considered as killers of the people. But they do exactly that, day in and day out, pretty easily without creating any uproar. So no one easily notices them. Who are these people? These are the people who work in every organization including the government and also independently: they pollute environment, they produce spurious medicines, they provide dirty drinking water, they adulterate food, they facilitate creation of unemployment and force people to go hungry and shelter less and they do much more such harmful things- the list is endless. The people who adversely get affected and subsequently die either immediately or over a period of time by these acts are countless, perhaps more than the people who get killed by the acts of terror.

Both types of people kill people- both kill in abundance.

Who is worse of the two types?

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